Ulka Syntax

You can use any template engine you like. But ulka introduces new template engine @ulkajs/template-engine. This template engine is specially made for javascript developers. This template engine allows you to write javascript inside double curly brackets{{}}.

If you use vscode, I recommend you to download vscode-ulka extension. This extension will highlight and format code written inside *.ulka files.


{{ const name = "Roshan Acharya" }}

<h1>My name is {{ name }}.</h1>

Above code will output:

<h1>My name is Roshan Acharya.</h1>


{{ const langs = ["Javascript", "Rust", "Typescript", "C++"] }}

  {{ langs.map(lang => /* HTML */`<h1>I love ${lang}.</h1>`) }}

(/* HTML */ comment is used by vscode-ulka extension to highlight and format html inside template literal.) Above code will output:

  <h1>I love Javascript.</h1>
  <h1>I love Rust.</h1>
  <h1>I love Typescript.</h1>
  <h1>I love C++.</h1>


{{ const ulkaIsAwesome = true }}

{{ ulkaIsAwesome ? /* HTML */`<h1>😍 Thank you.</h1>`: /* HTML */`<h1>💔😥</h1>` }}

Above code will output:

<h1>😍 Thank you.</h1>

If you wan't to use if/else statement then you can use IIFE.

  (() => {
    if (true){
      return /* HTML */`<h1>😍 Thank you.</h1>`
    } else {
      return /* HTML */`<h1>💔😥</h1>`


{{ import("./partials/header.ulka") }}

<h1>Hello World</h1>

{{ import("./partials/footer.ulka") }}

<!-- OR -->

  const head = import("./partials/header.ulka")
  const footer = import("./partials/footer.ulka")

{{ head }}

<h1>Hello World</h1>

{{ footer }}

Using require

You can use require as you do in normal javascript.

{{ require("./package.json").version }}

  const dayjs = require("dayjs")

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