Ulka Config
The configuration file ulka-config.js
is your gateway to unleash the power of customization and create stunning static websites.
Format of configuration file
You can export a object or a function from a configuration file.
module.exports = {
// ...configuration options
module.exports = (ulka) => {
return {
// ...configuration options
To get editor completion you can import defineConfig
function from ulka and pass that object or function to this defineConfig function
const { defineConfig } = require('ulka')
module.exports = defineConfig({
// ...configuration options
const { defineConfig } = require('ulka')
module.exports = defineConfig((ulka) => {
return {
// ...configuration options
Configuration Options
module.exports = {
input: '.', // source files directory
output: 'dist', // output directory for generated site
layout: 'layouts', // directory which has layouts
contents: {
// content configuration for the "blog" section
blog: {
match: 'blog/*.md', // match markdown files in the "blog" directory
layout: 'blog.ulka', // default layout for each blogs
link: (template) => `/blog/${template.matter.link}`, // generate dynamic links based on template data
forEach: (template, index, templates) => {
// custom function to transform each template in the "blog" section
// content configuration for the "projects" section
projects: {
match: 'projects/*.md', // match Markdown files in the "projects" directory
layout: 'project.ulka', // layout specific to the "projects" section
ignore: ['projects/secret.md'], // ignore specific files in this section
verbose: true, // Enable verbose output during site generation
plugins: [
'plugin1', // "plugin1" (installed from npm)
plugin: 'plugin2', // "plugin2" (installed from npm) with options
options: {
option1: true,
option2: 'value',
(ulka) => {
// Custom plugin function
copy: [
// copy the png files from assets to images folder inside output folder
match: 'assets/*.png', // match PNG files in the "assets" directory
output: (path) => `/images/${path}`, // define output path for each matched file
'static', // Copy the static folder to output dir
metaData: {
// additional metadata accessible during the site generation process
author: 'John Doe',
description: 'A magical website created with Ulka',
concurrency: 5, // set maximum concurrency level during site generation
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